Air Support Master (Bronze) Destroy 100 BHolders in The Missing Link's and B.O.B.'s levels in Coop. Around the World (Bronze) Use the Pole Vault for the first time. Art Aficionado (Bronze) Buy every concept art. Be My Guest (Gold) Get a score of 10,000,000. Bring it On (Bronze) Defeat a Beam Bot without getting hurt. Bull Rider (Bronze) Destroy 10 Turrets using the Rodeo mode while climbing with The Missing Link. Can't Get Enough! (Bronze) Defeat 100 enemies with The Missing Link. Casual Collector (Bronze) Collect 100,000 Monsters DNA particles in the game. Collateral Damage (Bronze) Destroy 30 EyeScouts and Helicopters in Ginormica's levels in Coop. Could I be any better than this? (Silver) Defeat 300 enemies with The Missing Link. Could we Fight Something Bigger? (Bronze) Complete Chapter 3. Cowboy Master (Bronze) Destroy 30 Turrets using the Rodeo mode while climbing with The Missing Link. Defying Gravity (Bronze) Jump 150 times with each monster. Expert Pitcher (Bronze) Throw 25 enemies with The Missing Link. Flying Fish (Bronze) Perform 50 Leap Attacks with The Missing Link. Full Arsenal (Bronze) Buy all upgrades for all characters (Green nodes). Get Out of the Way (Bronze) Use Ginormica's Chain Dash for the first time. Glutton (Bronze) Swallow 20 enemies/objects with B.O.B. Gold Olympic Champion (Gold) Get a Gold Medal for all Monster Challenges. Gourmet (Silver) Swallow 50 enemies/objects with B.O.B. Great Tackler (Bronze) Destroy 10 drones with Ginormica's dash. Is There a Way Out? (Bronze) Complete Chapter 1. Just Warming Up (Bronze) Defeat 50 enemies with The Missing Link. Machine gun specialist (Bronze) Complete one B.O.B. Turret sequence without being hurt. Master Tackler (Bronze) Destroy 25 drones with Ginormica's dash. Maximum Attraction (Bronze) Tractor Beam 50 enemies in The The Missing Link's and B.O.B. levels in Coop. Monsters vs Aliens Champion (Platinum) Unlock all 45 trophies to earn this. My Thumb Hurts (Bronze) Get a score of 5,000,000. Never Say Enough (Gold) Collect 500,000 Monsters DNA particles in the game. Not a Novice Anymore (Silver) Complete the game (awarded just before credits). Olympic Champion (Bronze) Get any Medal for all Monster Challenges. Pinball Fan (Bronze) Use the Bumpers for the first time. Remember the Heroes (Gold) Complete the game without failing more than 10 times. Safety First (Bronze) Activate B.O.B.'s Shield for the first time. San Francisco is safe, next! (Bronze) Complete Chapter 2. Shopping Frenzy (Bronze) Buy all surprises (Purple nodes). Stay Put and Watch (Bronze) Watch credits until the end. Strike with Attitude (Bronze) Use The Missing Link's Leap Attack for the first time. Strong Attraction (Bronze) Use the Tractor Beam for the first time in Coop. Team Glory (Silver) Complete Chapter 3 without failing more than 10 times. Team Spirit (Bronze) Complete Chapter 1 without failing more than 10 times. Team Supremacy (Silver) Complete Chapter 4 without failing more than 10 times. Team Victory (Bronze) Complete Chapter 2 without failing more than 10 times. That's a Blast (Bronze) Use the Charge Blast for the first time in Coop. Two is Better than One (Bronze) Buy all coop upgrades. What Alien Menace? (Bronze) Complete Chapter 4.
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